Call for Applications for Establishing MOIC Clubs!

In line with the strategy of the Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum to enlarge the scope of activities of the Model OIC international programme, Eurasian Regional Center of ICYF have launched a call for applications from the Eurasian region to form a Model OIC club in your own University!

The application is open to all university students from:

  • Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan (OIC Member States);
  • Russian Federation (OIC Observer State);
  • Eastern European countries with Muslim minorities.

Interested applicants should fill in the relevant participation form by 01st February 2021.

In case of any queries you may contact us at [email protected].

  • Attend Online Rules&Procedures training from the MOIC training;
  • Receive academic substance;
  • Furthermore, successful clubs will be invited to attend the 6th International Model OIC Simulations and receive the relevant certificate of attendance/success.

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