The Second Lecture of Model OIC International Relations Academy 2023, in Indonesia

Dear Indonesian friends,

We are thrilled to announce the 2nd Lecture of the Model OIC International Relations Academy 2023, taking place on September 27, 2023, at 20:00 GMT+7. This enlightening session is co-organized by the National Youth Council of Indonesia, OIC Youth Indonesia, and the Eurasian Regional Center of ICYF, in collaboration with the subsidiary organ, the Santri Diplomacy Academy of OIC Youth Indonesia.

Our distinguished guest, H.E Yusron Bahauddin Ambary, Consul General of Indonesia in Jeddah & Permanent Representative of Republic Indonesia to the OIC, will delve into the crucial topic of “Global Challenges and Regional Dynamics in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Region.”

Guiding our discussion will be the accomplished Ms. Sururoh Uthman, Director of the Santri Diplomacy Academy, ensuring a thought-provoking and engaging dialogue.

The session will take place hybrid on Zoom. Stay tuned for more details.