1st Week of Model OIC International Relations Academy 2019

- April 9, 2019
- Baku, Azerbaijan
Eurasian Regional Center of ICYF (ICYF – ERC), in cooperation with the Ministry of Youth and Sport of the Republic of Azerbaijan, has launched the Model OIC International Relations Academy – 2019 for local and international students studying in the universities in Baku.
The first week of the Academy held on 9 April 2019 hosted Mr. Elmaddin Mehdiyev, Director General of ICYF – ERC and H.E. Nasser A. Kareem, Ambassador of Palestine to Azerbaijan. In the first half of the lecture Mr. Mehdiyev has informed the students on the goals and mission of the Academy and made a presentation on the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) 50 years of activity in the context of history and modernity. In the second part of the lecture H.E. Ambassador Kareem made a presentation on history, culture and foreign policy of the State of Palestine focusing on its occupation and perspectives for achieving sustainable peace in the region.
The lecture ended with Q&A session and interactive discussion on the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories as well as its reflection in international documents, in particular resolutions adopted in the framework of the OIC and UN.