Board Meeting of ICYF-ERC

Meeting of the Board of ICYF-ERC convened on 18 July 2020

The 5th meeting of the International Board of the Eurasian Regional Center of ICYF (ICYF-ERC) was held online, on 18 July 2020. The Meeting was attended by the all members of the Board representing Azerbaijan, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Romania, and Tatarstan (RF), ICYF-ERC Director General, and representative of the ICYF Headquarters.

The meeting made an evaluation of the ICYF-ERC activities conducted in the first half of 2020, in particular during the COVID19 Pandemic, and discussed the upcoming activities for the second half of 2020. The Board of ICYF-ERC adopted the report of the ICYF-ERC Director General on the activities of the Regional Center in the first half of 2020, expressed its profound appreciation and gratitude to the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan and its leadership for hosting ICYF-ERC in Baku, the Republic of Azerbaijan and for the continuous support extended to ICYF-ERC. The Board of ICYF-ERC also expressed its deep appreciation to all co-organizers and partners of the ICYF-ERC activities in the first half of 2020, in particular the Governments of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Republic of Tatarstan (RF) and the youth organizations from the region.

ICYF-ERC Director General Mr. Elmaddin Mehdiyev made a special presentation on the recent military provocation by the Republic of Armenia started on 12 July 2020, in the direction of Tovuz district of Azerbaijan along the state border between Azerbaijan and Armenia, including weaponry and artillery attacks against the military forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan and shelling the civil objects and infrastructure resulting in the death and injury of military servicemen and civilian causalities from the Azerbaijani side.

The Board of ICYF-ERC in its special decision expressed its solidarity with the people and Government of Azerbaijan, strongly condemned the recent military provocation and attacks by the armed forces of Armenia against Azerbaijan. Upon the suggestions received by the members of the International Board, it was decided to start a new campaign “Karabakh is Azerbaijan” and to address petitions to the relevant international organizations to stop Armenian aggression against Azerbaijan lasting for 30 years. The ICYF Headquarters and member organizations of ICYF are invited to join the campaign.

Also, the Board of ICYF-ERC decided to provide the relevant support, care, and assistance to the children of the servicemen of the military forces of Azerbaijan martyred during the recent military provocation perpetrated by the Republic of Armenia.