The 1st Debate Championship of ICYF-ERC

??The 1st Debate Championship of ICYF-ERC

The Eurasian Regional Center of Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum (ICYF-ERC) is pleased to announce “The 1st Debate Championship of ICYF-ERC”, organized in partnership with Debate in Civil Society Public Union. The championship will be held on February 11-13, at Baku State University.


The main objective of this project is to improve the knowledge of young people in the field of debate, improving their diction and self-expression skills, public speaking, as well as increasing their effectiveness in teamwork. Exclusively, the championship will create a chance for the selected best debaters to represent Azerbaijan in the International Debate Championship, which will be held in one of the Central Asian countries.


Language: Azerbaijani

Topic: In the revival of Karabakh, local investments should prevail over foreign ones

Venue: Baku State University