Azerbaijan National Youth Day

The Eurasian Regional Center of ICYF (ICYF-ERC) cordially congratulates Azerbaijani #youth and those working for the youth at both governmental and non-governmental levels on the occasion of Azerbaijan National Youth Day.

Since 1997, February 2nd has held special significance in Azerbaijan thanks to a decree signed by National Leader Heydar Aliyev, officially declaring it as Youth Day. This memorable day reflects the deep respect and high regard held by the Government of #Azerbaijan for its young people and their vital role in shaping the nation’s future.

In recent years, Azerbaijani youth has been among the most active and leading in the #OIC geography. ICYF-ERC expresses its gratitude to the Youth and Government of Azerbaijan, as the ICYF-ERC’s active supporter, for their warm welcome and efforts for comprehensive development and active engagement in beneficial collaboration.

#icyf #icyferc #youthday #Azerbaijaniyouth #AzerbaijaniYouthDay #NationalYouthDay #2February