The Closing Ceremony of Model OIC – International Relations Academy was held

On June 14, 2023, the closing ceremony of the “Model Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) – International Relations Academy” project, which has been successfully implemented for 12 years by the Eurasian Regional Center of the Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum (ICYF-ERC) supported by the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Azerbaijan, was held at the Park Inn Hotel, Baku, Azerbaijan.


The representatives of government agencies, members of Parliament, as well as Ambassadors of the OIC member states, the media, and various NGOs, attended the event. A short introductory video about the activities of Model OIC was shown. The first speaker, Mr. Vusal Gurbanov, Acting Director General of ICYF-ERC, spoke about the main goals and objectives of the project and highlighted the growing interest in Model OIC in recent years.


Deputy of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Mr. Farhad Hajiyev, Head of the Middle East and Africa Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Rashad Ismayilov, Deputy Chairman of the Small and Medium Business (SMB) Development Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Hikmat Mammadov, on behalf of the Diplomatic Corps, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco in Azerbaijan H.E. Mr. Mohammed Adil Embarch, Deputy of the Milli Majlis of Azerbaijan, Mr. Ilham Mammadov, and Head of International Department of the Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC), Ms. Narmin Ibrahimova delivered their congratulatory speeches and emphasized the importance of this program, its role in the formation of leadership skills of youth. They also expressed their best wishes to the students who completed the current Model OIC program.


We would like to extend our sincere thanks to our esteemed guests and speakers for sharing their valuable insights and time with us during the event.