Webinar: “The 3rd Anniversary of the Great Victory in the Second Karabakh War: Challenges and Opportunities of the Post-Conflict Era”

On November 7, 2023, the Webinar on the topic of “The 3rd Anniversary of the Great Victory in the Second Karabakh War: Challenges and Opportunities of the Post-Conflict Era” was organized by the Eurasian Regional Center of ICYF (ICYF-ERC).

At the opening ceremony of the webinar, Chingiz Gasimzada, Moderator of the Webinar welcomed the speakers and participants.

In the ongoing webinar, Mr. Tantan Taufiq Lubis, Vice President of ICYF and Mr. Fsahat Ul Hassan, Founder-CEO of Youth Advocacy Network (YAN) and Board Member of ICYF-ERC delivered their opening remarks. Subsequently, Mr. Tan Taufiq Lubis stated that “This victory belongs not only to Azerbaijan, but to Muslim countries.” Mr. Fsahat Ul-Hassan also highlighted that the Karabakh conflict was not a regional but a historical conflict. At the end of their speeches, Mr. Tantan and Mr. Fsahat congratulated the government and nation of Azerbaijan on the occasion of a Great Victory.

During the webinar, our main speaker, Deputy Director at the Center for Studies of the South Caucasus, Mr.Fuad Chiragov emphasized on challenges from the past to present and possible opportunities for the Post-Conflict Era. He expressed that contrary to some restatements, the Second Karabakh War was neither a conflict of civilizations and nor a war of religions, while Azerbaijan shows a tolerance to all religious and ethnic affiliations. However, during the effective occupation period 63 out of 65 mosques were destroyed by Armenian forces. He also added that it’s only a conflict of demarcation of borderlines and territorial integrity and was not in direct or indirect connection with any other metaphors. In concluding remarks, he precisely addressed the importance of continues and unwavering support of Islamic countries in rebuilding of Karabakh in the future.