ICYF-ERC Quarterly Newsletter Edition 8

The Eurasian Regional Center of Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum (ICYF-ERC) is pleased to share with you the Eighth Edition of ICYF-ERC’s Quarterly Newsletter.
The edition No.8 is highlighting main projects and activities implemented from July to September 2023.

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ICYF-ERC Quarterly Newsletter Edition 8

Topics included in the Quarterly Newsletter Edition 8:

  • ICYF-ERC representatives visited Baku State University & DIGI-Q International OIC Youth Events
  • The Activities of Acting Director General of ICYF-ERC
  • Statements of the board & Message of the Condolences
  • Photogallery
  • ICYF-ERC in Media
  • ICYF-ERC Brain game
  • Editorial Team & Contributors


Have a good read!