Message of Condolences: Palestine

The Eurasian Regional Center of the ICYF (ICYF-ERC) strongly condemns the recent hostilities in Gaza, particularly the egregious air strike on Al-Ahli Arab Hospital. Such attacks on civilian infrastructure are reprehensible and a blatant violation of international humanitarian law. We express our deepest sorrow for the extensive loss of civilian lives in Gaza, recognizing the profound human tragedy unfolding in the region.

In these dire circumstances, it is imperative for all parties involved to strictly adhere to international humanitarian law, prioritizing the protection of civilians and ensuring the safety of critical infrastructure such as hospitals. The indiscriminate targeting of civilian areas exacerbates an already dire humanitarian crisis, leading to immeasurable suffering for innocent people.

ICYF – ERC urges an immediate cessation of violence and calls upon all relevant sides to engage in constructive dialogue to find a lasting and peaceful resolution to the conflict. We call upon the international community to actively work towards de-escalation and the promotion of a just and sustainable peace. We emphasize the necessity of providing humanitarian assistance to those affected by the conflict and facilitating access for aid organizations to address the urgent needs of the vulnerable populations in the region.

The protection of civilians must be paramount and all parties must prioritize the well-being of innocent lives over political considerations. ICYF–ERC stands in solidarity with the civilians and calls for a collective commitment to ending the violence, upholding human rights and working towards a future where peace and stability prevail in the region.